In spite of all the "problems" encountered, I'd like to say I had a very good weekend.
I won't discuss all the details in one post, I'll add more information over the days but I'll start with one discovery.
I do enjoy having a foot massage. I think the right kind of massage relaxes not only my feet but also my legs.
I've had a few subs massage and kiss my feet but recently, I had someone kiss not just my feet but my entire legs. It felt really good. It was so good that I got turned on.
The kisses were very tender and not wet. They were light so they were sensual. He also massaged my feet, the pressure he put on my feet was just right.
I think I have nice feet. They could be nicer but they don't have bunions or hard callouses. My legs are naturally hairless.
I didn't get a chance to take a picture of him kissing my feet so I'll just post a picture of my feet. I'm wearing stilettos and have red toe nails.
Can kissing the legs and feet be considered a form of body worship? He did a good job of worshiping my feet and legs through his kisses and massage. I probably would want more.