Saturday, July 26, 2014

50 Shades of Duh!

I have Facebook friends gush over the trailer of 50 Shades of Grey.

If they think they are cool and kinky, they're not. Typical Filipino to want to be IN, to try hard to appear cool to others.



  1. I couldn't agree with you more, Miss. I'm preparing myself to hate half of my FB friends.
    Drives me mad when people embrace some silly surface-deep idea of kink and think they get it.

    And as a writer it drives me mad when any book with a protagonist named 'Anastasia Steele' gets published....

    1. What's wrong with the name "Anastasia Steele"?

    2. Well to my mind - and I think most writers would agree here - it's silly.

      'Anastasia' is too ornate, too showoffy to be real. Unrealistic. It's the kind of name you give your character to make them sound pretty and amazing. General opinion amongst critics and authors is that that's not something a good author should ever try to do. A protagonist should be flawed, interesting and human. A name like 'Anastasia' (especially with its connotations of Russian royalty and an abused, mysterious princess) is about as silly (and pretentious) as it gets. It puts the character on a pedestal and makes her sound like a Disney heroine. I guess 'Steele' isn't so bad. But again, it's a showoffy, dramatic name. And it tells us what we're supposed to think of her in a very obvious way.

      It's a habit amongst new, inexperienced writers to have their hero (or their love interest, see Twilight for example) be some kind of flawless, ultimately desirable perfect human who never does anything wrong, and serves as an avatar for the reader or author who think he's perfect and hard done by. It's not considered good writing. Characters like these tend to have beautiful, unique, fancy names like A.S.

      I've only read a few pages of the book so I know I'm assuming a bit. But I'm not a fan as you can probably tell. xD

    3. I think most people who are in the lifestyle find the story absurd.

      But it does have mass, commercial appeal.

    4. Hopefully if the movie is bad it will pass by quickly.

    5. I cannot see too much from that trailer, looking forward to see the movie in order to tell an opinion. About the fb friends it worldwide the same I guess


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