Thursday, August 9, 2012

Worst Flooding Ever

I don't know if you have heard about what happened to the Philippines recently. Our house got flooded waist deep (inside).

This is the worst flooding I have ever experienced, flooding won't subside because it won't stop raining. It has been raining for days non stop that's why our house still has water until now.

Here is a clip from CNN:

My experience is nothing compared to the others. Some had to stay on their roofs overnight because entire first floor of their houses were engulfed by the water. This means they have lost everything they own. A few have lost their loved ones.

I would like to ask my dear readers to spare these people some change. If you could send $5 or $10, that would feed one family for one day. Don't send the money to me. I would suggest you send it to Red Cross Philippines. I would really appreciate any kind of help you could extend.

Those who want to be my slave, I order you to do it ASAP or else! Hahaha.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the people from this community who showed their concern for me. One is a dear "friend" and another is a slave-applicant. Your concern means a lot to me. Thank you.


  1. Hoooooly hell. I hadn't heard about it. Hey Miss, thanks for writing and I hope you and your loved ones are managing. How bad is the damage to your house?

    Sent some money, of course. Look after yourself and I'll be thinking about you there.

  2. I am not well, actually. I have been having this fever on and off. As long as I don't have leptospirosis, I'll be fine.

    Thank you for your help Charles. A family will have something to eat at an evacuation center somewhere in the Metro. That will help them a lot.


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