Friday, May 25, 2012

Sex Toys: Made in China

There's a small road on the side of the Imperial Hotel in Hong Kong that had stores that sold sex toys. My sister and her hubby were exploring the area and they discovered the street. She said that the entire length of the street, or most of it, had a lot of shops with sex toys. I was intrigued but I didn't want to go there alone. She didn't want to go there anymore since she has already seen the entire street.

I was able to convince myself that I shouldn't go there anymore for the following reasons:
I may be dangerous to go there. The street was really narrow and there were a lot of people there who didn't look "trustworthy" (for lack of a better word to use)
I would only see made in China toys which didn't really appeal to me.

Some years ago, I bought a made in China sex toy as a Christmas gift for someone close to me. She was happy to get the toy. I didn't keep it for myself since I wasn't sure I'd use it. Here it is:

It looks okay, nothing unusual about it. But if you look closely, the plastic looks brittle. I was worried it would break while inside my pussy. I was also concerned that the battery would leak or the wires would get exposed and I'd get electrocuted or get pricked or that portions of the toy would come off and get lost inside me. I can just imagine the news if something happens to me: Cold Asian Domme gets hospitalized over broken sex toy.

That's the reason why I didn't keep it, hahahahaha.

I'm such a bad person. 

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