Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not Good

I am feeling melancholic right now. It started this morning, I woke up with a mild headache and I remembered my dream. My dream wasn't sad but it was definitely saying something about me and what's happening to me now.

There were stuff that I wanted to share but I decided to share them later, once I feel a bit better.

Ughh... I hate feeling this way.


  1. I had a dream like that last week and I was miserable for two days. Partly I was just annoyed with myself for being so bothered by it, which made me worse.

    Well I hope your life now isn't *that* bad. :(

  2. My life now isn't that bad, I've experienced worse. I just hate this feeling.

    Wow Charles, you're sweet! ;)

  3. Ha. That's what I aim for, anyway.

  4. I have am about to have another headache :-(

  5. Well a selection of cunnilingus art isn't going to help with that. ;)

    You sound like you worry too much. Cheer up - you clearly deserve it.


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