Wednesday, July 18, 2012

False Alarm

I know I said before that I may have found someone but it's actually a false alarm, a dud. I ended communicating with what I thought was a potential sub because of too many excuses/reasons/justifications.

I'm a very strict and demanding Domme. Because of this attitude, a lot of guys have backed out, called me mean, too strict, etc. My ex slave said my standards may be too high.

Lately I had to relax my standards a bit. I am not as mean or as strict. I was thinking some subs are not cut out for emotional sadism. I have given concessions and made some compromises. I have been understanding accommodating. But what happened? Someone said I was nice. Some said I was not dominant enough. Someone walked all over me and did what he wanted to do. Someone thought I was just another booty call or fantasy fulfillment and forgot that I am a Domme and he's supposed to serve ME and make ME happy (that's what they all say at the start).

Earlier I was just upset but I have to say I am sad now. Sad not because of losing what I thought was a potential sub. I'm sad because I'm wondering, was I taken for a ride? I guess I'll never know.

Image courtesy of
The picture describes how I feel right now. I know tomorrow I'll feel better again. This is just temporary.


  1. Sad to read it. Some people think you're too mean, and some people think you're not mean enough? Jeez... I guess that's a hard think to react to?

    Am I the one who said you were nice? If so, well I did mean that as a compliment! Sorry. And I was referring to the side of you that I see here on your blogs - not your dominance and the relationship you have with submissives. Fine line I guess, but I was thinking of the side of you that writes blogs like this.

    I have read a few things about your past experiences here which were definitely not nice. ;)

    1. I don't mind being called nice but if nice means like being a pushover or not dominant enough or weak, this will make me think.

      Why are you reacting? You're not the only one who has called me nice. Hahaha.

    2. I react a lot, I like to mouth off. Glad that wasn't me, but hope you cheer up. :)

  2. I didn't say it wasn't you. Hahahaha.

    Thank you for your concern.

    1. It was me! Then sorry. You're only a little nice. I will now shut up.

    2. I feel like I'm pissing you off, here... if so, I really didn't mean it. Shutting up again.

  3. dont know why, but for me the pic look funny not that weird?^^


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