Saturday, March 21, 2015

Beastiality Stories

A man was supposedly under the influence of illegal drugs when he was caught raping a cow here in the Philippines.

Face blurred to protect the identity of the cow

Upon further investigation, the man has raped other cows in the past.

Animal rights activists would surely say that cows should not be raped but then the man probably needed to get off and chose to rape a cow rather than a kid. Maybe he didn't have enough money to pay a prostitute.

The cow had to undergo medical examination as its owner claims it's pregnant.

Makes you wonder who is stranger: the rapist or the cow owner.

As I was searching for this story, 2 other cow rapes appeared and both happened in India.

One man raped an injured cow and used coconut oil as lubricant.

The other story involved 2 drunk men, tying up a cow to rape it. They eventually stabbed the cow lots of times.

Aren't cows holy in India?


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